My wife and I are lay researchers. We have almost four decades of studying all of the schools of thought about the interpretation of book of Daniel and Revelation and developed our ideas on Christian forums. This is how we have become quite experienced with the opposing paradigms, such as historicism, futurism and preterism. Furthermore, our research about the church’s history has led us to determine that historicism furnishes the greatest correlation between history and prophecy. We are quite convinced that the other paradigms must whitewash the history of the church in order to maintain their views.

My wife has a bachelors degree in business. I gained an electronics background as an avionics technician in the armed services and followed a career as an electronic technician for the greater part of my life. In more recent years we have garnered less challenging means of support so that we could concentrate on putting our ideas together for the purpose of publishing our work. We live in Tucson Arizona, have three young adult children and have dedicated our lives to serving the Almighty.

Re-evaluating the Historicist’s Interpretation of the Revelation

Thy Kingdom Come

Contemporary history and progressive revelation regarding the Hebraic festivals are the basis for a renovation of the traditional historicist’s house and its perception of recapitulation in the book of Revelation, which does not disturb the historicist’s view that the papacy is the Antichrist.